メロディックテクノの精鋭として注目を集めるSILVER PANDAがRAISEに出演。今年リリースされたJohn Summitとの最新曲は話題沸騰中。Sevennなどのトップアーティストとのコラボを重ねる革新的で洗練されたサウンドがオーディエンスを魅了します。さらに国内外問わず活躍の場を広げるMASANORI MORITA(STUDIO APARTMENT)も出演します。エネルギッシュでエモーショナルな彼らの世界観を是非体感してください。
Catch the rising melodic techno duo, SILVER PANDA, at RAISE. Their latest track with John Summit, released this year, is generating serious buzz. Known for their innovative sound, shaped through collaborations with top artists like Sevenn, SILVER PANDA is set to captivate. Also joining the lineup is MASANORI MORITA of STUDIO APARTMENT, who is making waves both locally and globally. Don’t miss the chance to experience their electrifying and emotive performances.
9/15(SUN/Before Holiday)
OPEN 21:00
MEN ¥4,000/2D
WOMEN ¥1,000/2D